Welcome to The Project Booth

Meet Layne Booth, Owner & Chief Profit Hunter for Online Businesses


The Good, bad and the ugly...

  1. Metrics are important, but which ones?

  2. Backlogs are stressful and costly

  3. Delayed shipments are painful

  4. Unpredictable growth is frustrating

  5. Software pieced together is a time-suck

  6. Driving blind is disturbing

but it doesn't have to be that way!

We can show you how to:

Confidently scale for growth with vital metrics and key performance indicators (KPIs) to give you an instant snapshot of the health of your business.

Uncover untapped opportunities for more profit by identifying gaps, streamlining work flows, and capitalizing on sales & profits.

Better serve your customers and clients, strengthen your brand reputation, reclaim your time, and bring focus to what’s most important in your business.

Which all leads back to building a more profitable business, with less overwhelm!

As the sign says..."I Love Your Work"!

As the sign says..."I Love Your Work"!

How I work with clients

Together we map out where your business is today, what’s not working, and set realistic and exciting growth goals...with the exact plan to achieve them.

We follow a simple ABC approach to drive amazing results:

  • A is for Analyze: Analyze the numbers to tell the story.

  • B is for Bottom Line: What do the numbers say about your actual profits, brand reputation, and customer service?

  • C is for CEO Decisions: The secret weapon is creating a tool that CEOs actually use to make important decisions, not just creating another report.


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What Can I Do For You?

Hi!  I'm Layne Booth, Chief Profit Hunter at The Project Booth: A growth and opportunity agent for small business owners that are passionate about their product or service, but are getting sucked into daily operations versus executing their vision.

I've witnessed business owners have incredible energy and focus for what they do, but seem like they don't have time to stop, and may feel like they are drowning in doing "all the things."

The Project Booth brings owners afloat by strategically planning operations, and creating a visual map so that they can reclaim their time to focus on their business, make data-driven decisions, and capitalize on sales & profits.

With my background as an industrial engineer, I have over a decade of experience in manufacturing, supply chain, and sales and marketing companies. And, I've spent significant time in the trenches, learning best practices in both process management and operations excellence.

My heart is to help successful growth-minded business owners eliminate overwhelm by bringing clarity to help with teams, capacity and profits. What I offer is more than just a strategy or an expert telling you what to do and leaving you to sort out the details.

Once we work together to create the best path for your business to hit its revenue and growth goals, I come alongside as a team member to implement, test and trial the plan to get it working for you and your business.

Let’s scale your online business!

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Hi!  I'm Andrea Gronkowski, client Business Mentor. Bringing twenty+ years of experience in the trenches of big name companies and rapidly growing online businesses. I enjoy implementing best practices to maximize sales and bring back more time to creative CEOs. When not thinking about how to scale a business efficiently and profitably, you can find me talking about, hiking with, and biking with my dog Chezzy. 


Hi! I’m Daph Ferrer, Dashboard Specialist. Empowering entrepreneurs by providing valuable insights make my heart sing. My goal is to enable our clients to make growth-based decisions with confidence. I have a background in process and project management, but always had an affinity with data and metrics. In my spare time, I keep active by practicing yoga and running around with our labrador Nani.